The Housewives

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I a small town Texas girl who moved to to Dallas for my husband's residency. I am a dentist and love my job but, with the husband always working, I have lots of spare time to myself that I use for cooking, crafting and creating things! I love trying new recipes and DIY projects. I am happy to use this blog to share the fun things that I have tried and tell you if they are a success or a total fail!


I have lived in almost every big city in Texas, but found myself in Dallas a few years ago when my husband got into residency. Now, we love life in the Big D and are enjoying it even more with our sweet baby girl! I have always loved experimenting with fashion and beauty, and have recently gotten more into crafting and cooking (must be my inner Martha Stewart coming out!).


I'm a married gal from Kentucky who moved to the Lone Star State for my husband's residency. A registered dietitian recently turned stay at home mom, I'm also a obsessive compulsive furniture re-arranger, bargain hunter, girly girl, and wannabe crafter. I like mixing high and low pieces in both home furnishings and fashion, and DIYing to get an expensive look on a budget.